Mall Time

Heather RideWe had a break between games so we decided that the mall was a perfect place to cool down! We've been there before and Heather tried to pose for a shot we had taken when she was 8. Uh, I don't think you fit anymore! :)

Down by our area, I purchased a little "frequent rider" card for Heather when she was a tiny thing for the merry-go-around. She would pull the card out and say, "Can we go to the mall ride?"

Now it's Magic Mountain...

Subway LunchCan you tell which is my sandwich and which is Heather's? I told the guy that I wanted everything except the purple onions, and what did he do? Yup, a giant handful of them! I then reminded him that I was allergic (not really, I winked at the lady next to me) and that I might just keel over right in front of the counter. It always amazes me that they always ask what you want on it: "Everything except for onions, please!" then go and ask you for each item: Do you want cheese? You want tomaTOES, lettuce, etc...When I went to pay, we got two free cookies. I have no idea why... :)

Rainbow BaconDo you like the "rainbow bacon?" Heather likes all the sour candies, worms, etc...The girls did win their games today and play three tomorrow to get 1st place.

What do you do to cool down when it's a bazillion degrees?