Congrats on Straight A's

Today is the luncheon for the kids that got straight A's at the middle school. My phone beeps with a couple text messages, myspace message, and an e-mail reminding of the event. No phone call though, somewhere I think I wrote about this, but whatever it takes to get the message, right? I replied by phone to let her know that I was going to the luncheon, picking her up from school, and taking her to volleyball practice. At least I know that they won't get rained out :)

I'm very proud of you, keep up the good work. love you!

11:52 pm
The luncheon was pretty good, got a parking spot in the front of the school, picked a spot near an aisle in the caferteria and waited but not long. The principal said his speech, and then the kids were recognized. They fed us, and then the awards were given out: two pens, two stickers for the cars, medal (Straight A Student), and a clock.

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