
One of my extended family members is on and has over NINE THOUSAND friends listed on her profile. I always had wondered about people that had an inordinate number or friends and it turns out that someone nearby is just one of those.

I wonder what the average number on is. First the obvious people we add: friends and family, some shows, bands, tv series, etc. But then how does that number get into the stratosphere?

It's probably hard to even know who is on the list. When they log-in, who do you see? Can you imagine the comments, blog subscriptions, etc? Better turn off e-mail notifications or your inbox will have nothing but Myspace stuff.

I think at most you'll have five close friends and MAYBE one person that knows all the truth. The side of you that even the other five don't know. Those deep down secrets that family members don't even know.

When you screw up who will be there, either financially (those are hard to find), emotionally, or there somehow? I don't mean someone that will say, "Uh huh, you're right. You did the right thing." That only perpetuates the behavior that lead to the screw-up.

So, what kind of friend are you?

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