I headed to SPAWAR (SPAY-WAR) to get my CAC this morning. The guy was surprised that I had all my paperwork in order, and it made it pretty quick. I get back to the office and activate my PC after someone verifies my identity to the guy on the phone. Then my PC is unlocked, but nothing is working since I noticed that the PC only had 88 mb free on the HD. I laughed to myself - what else could I do? Since the PC's are locked down tight, I called NMCI to open a "trouble ticket." They couldn't fix it remotely, so somebody is going to come to my desk and erase some stuff. Luckily I have my laptop. :)
There's my plain government issue phone. No caller id so all you'll get is the "Good Morning, this is Sam." :)
A half a gallon of water on my desk with a little yellow cup. Somebody giving me a hint, huh?
I wander around the whole floor trying to figure out where this came from and lo and behold, I found the culprit.
Not only that but I found out who has all the cool candy dishes, and other goodies in their office.
I even found somone that brings in pandisol everyday with all the fixin's. A little dish for money is near the food for the contributions.
The lady said that I could get whatever I wanted, but I declined since I had just eaten lunch. I thanked her, and took a picture. She laughed as I went to the next cubicle.
Where you guys going?
Do you have a candy dish in your cubicle? If so, what do you have?
I have a candy jar full of chocolate stuff and lollipops. Yummy!!!
Not on MY desk! That would make me fat! I wander around and eat off every one ELSE'S desk
oooh sam, i have more than just a candy dish at my desk... HA HA HA
mb: I need to visit your desk!
Kate: I guess walking to everyone's cubicle IS exercise :)
jyankee: Like what? Come on!
Great picture!
I keep candy hanging outside my cube for others to eat...little candy bars. Its safe because I don't like them :-)
Thanks! :) I'm stopping by and gonna take all your candy bars :)
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