The Break Up

Sam Running On my run today, I saw a couple talking by their car. I could see that the guy was crying and he was trying to keep the girl from leaving. I could only hear bits and pieces, but he said, "So, this is how it ends, huh?"

I circled around and ran on the other side of the street to give them "privacy." He was begging her not to leave, and she put her food in the car. I kept wondering if they would be there after each lap, and after the fifth lap, she was gone and he was left sitting on the curb crying.

So, should he have just let her go if she wanted to "leave?" If he did, then would she say, "You didn't fight for this relationship." If he didn't, then would he get the "You aren't listening to me, and are trying to control me?"

un-timed, Day 11
What do you think?


Anonymous said...

hmmm hard to tell... also depends on how many times it has happened before or if it's the first...

deafknee said...

i think.. if she really wanted to leave.. then nothing will really stop her..

Lynn said...

lose lose situation for the guy.

Irene said...

On the brighter side of things, she could have changed her mind the next day and come back. It's happened. Or, on the more humorous side of things it could have been a dinner dispute and he was crying about the steak dinner he wasn't going to have that night.

You know - he wanted steak and she wanted chicken and it ended by her driving off with the groceries. Whaddaya think?

Sam said...

The person that broke it off should have called, but who knows. I changed my running schedule. But, he must've really had his heart set on that steak!