Daily Stuff

Sam in the MirrorI didn't do much today, I was at Costco and got my tires rotated and balanced while I shopped/browsed inside, 20 minutes?. I ended up only buying the 5lb of fruit tray (FREE). I ain't saying how I got it, but I didn't steal it!

The guy couldn't find my keys so I had to hunt him down in the bays. I saw Cortez again. He said, "I'm not stalking you, ok! LOL"

I was supposed to go shopping for dress shirts today, but well, I was really lazy! One reason that I dislike getting long sleeve shirts is that if I buy the shirt that fits my neck, then the sleeves are too short. My friend said, just buy a larger shirt and have it tailored to fit.

Also have to make sure my workstation is set-up before Tuesday (my e-mail machine basically), even though I use my laptop since EVERYTHING is blocked on the workstations.
2x un-timed, Day 16

Is there a web-site you want to go to, but it's blocked at work?


deafknee said...

yes! gmail!

tunia said...

Thank god my internship is over, not just one. Most of the sites I go to used to be blocked at office! Including your blog!!!

MB said...

Yes --- myspace is blocked at my work and it sucks!!!!