Christmas Party

Today is our annual Christmas party. The girls have asked if I'm going and if so, who with. I had planned on going but things have changed. They have buses to take us to alleviate the parking problem.

One of my friends has had a problem finding a dress. I wonder if they will ever wear it again, because I know that women will remember what they wore and ask about that. Will it sit in the closet? With guys it's easy and we don't stress about what to wear. :)

Are you going to your Christmas Party?


Valley Girl said...

Girls will prob. wear a dress once, twice max and then never use it again. Esp. if you're photographed in it.

Yup, going to mine this Friday.

Sam said...

I guess that means you're buying a new dress?!:)

deafknee said...

erm, i'll wear the same dress for a different group of people. then i guess its time to buy a new one? but i might wear the same dress if enough time has lapsed. haha.

Sam said...

deaf: Annnd you're still the same size!!

deafknee said...

hahaha yes and if im still the same size! no issues so far! (: