Suing for stupidity

This may not be the case that is going to the Supreme Court at the the moment but it's indictive of how as a society we want to blame someone else for our own stupid behavior. A bank robber fleeing after his heist of a little over $2000 and the following scenerio plays out.

Law enforcement gets involved and chase said perpetrator through the city and eventually he crashes. He gets out of his vehicle and then gets struck by a car as he runs across the street. Ambulance gets there and revive Mr. Butthead.

Now, would it surprise you that the bank robber sues for: Excessive force? Hospital bills? Mental duress? Insurance rate hike? Discrimination? Loss of wages? Replacement of his vehicle and don't forget the public humiliation claiming privacy rights violations since he didn't sign to have footage aired on TV.

Bringing a claim for loss incurred while in the commission of an illegal act should automatically be disallowed, as well as profit resulting from the commission of the aforementioned act. Can you imagine how many lawsuits would instantly go bye-bye? Of course there'll be exceptions but the overall picture is what should be looked at.

In New York, this would also prevent people from suing say, Apple for being hit because the iPod wearer didn't hear the car that hit them while listening to their iPod in the crosswalk against the sign.

What's your opinion on this type of issue?

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