Buying a home?

The two neighbors directly across from my house are selling. They have their signs up and have had open house several times but they still can't sell, or just more like they can't get the price they want. They've even tried different real estate companies - is the grass greener? No. (but with all the rain, and fertilizer, the real grass is!)

Everyone is saying it's a buyer's and it seems like it is. Are people selling because they bought a house they couldn't afford and are trying to get some money? Sellers are throwing in extras that you normally would have to pay upgrade prices for. But I guess they aren't selling fast enough.

Foreclosures are way up, and all those lenders that thought they were gonna make tons of money are upset. Yes, they are making money but now they have changed their mind about who they will lend money to.

You can get a better deal on a house IF you can now qualify for the loan. Do you have to make 3 - 3.5 times the amount of the mortgage, higher FICO scores, tons of money in the bank, 10 years at your current job for the lender to feel secure you won't default even though they have their PMI cushion, and down payment, and of course all that interest from you to smile about.

In the majority of the cases it takes two incomes to buy a home, or are we at a point where it will take one more?

I like my house even with it's tiny yard and I want to keep it!

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