Speed Quiz

Take this Quiz. You have one minute and a half to take the test. You either know it instantly or you don't. Afterwards, let me know how you did! There is another quiz there too - at the bottom. Remember, it's just for fun. :)

I like the last summary paragraph after you take the test:

"Better yet, combine your mental workout with the benefits of social interaction and set up a card game with friends."


Anonymous said...

i got 6 wrong out of 30 questions...

Anonymous said...

i got 25 out of 30! i think i went about 10 seconds over the time limit tho ;) hehe! but it *was* kinda hard...a few of the ones i did get right, i had to take a few extra seconds to think about. scary!! i need to take more cod liver oil! LOL!!! ;)

~josey~ :)