Chance Meeting

After the softball game, I run into someone that I know from my old work. I give her a hug since I hadn't seen her in a bit. She told me that she saw me earlier in the game and was wondering when I was going to say something. She asked if I knew how to program Oracle databases,, access, excel, etc.

They needed someone ASAP, and all the people they tried to hire had some but not all the required skill sets on the SOW (Statement of Work). She asked what vehicle (government term for 'Method') that they would be able to procure my services through. I gave her the details and also references in the contracting department. She knows all the people in the government that I've contracted with so that should make things a little easier.

I gave her my e-mail addy, so let's see what happens. No chicken counting until I see the RFQ (Request for Quote). Wish me luck.

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