Pet Peeves

I'm going to be adding to this post as I think of them, or get some from you guys, but these are some that just came to my mind.

  1. Have you ever gotten a MySpace friend request and they have their profile private, and no message from them letting you know who the heck they are?
  2. How about going to someones profile and their song scares the crap outta ya?
  3. People that signal millimeters from the turn.
  4. Slow drivers (below speedlimit) because they are talking on their cell.
  5. Not putting on a new roll of toilet paper, but putting it on top of the empty one.
  6. Men that leave the toilet seat up.
  7. People that say -Like- like 50 times in one sentence.
  8. Women that hog the entire bathroom counter with all their cosmetics.
  9. People that bring their brats to the movies.
  10. My friends eating all my candy and never buy none.
  11. The way people chew gum all ghetto.
  12. Boys farting and they think its funny. Its gross guys.
  13. That I go to your dumb blog everyday when you don't really have a main topic.
  14. When you guys can't freaking pick a channel. Just watch something for once!!!!!
  15. People that say uh huh but aren't even listening to you.
  16. People holding up the (order) line because they are talking on a cell.
  17. People trying to find exact change to pay cashier, every last penny.
  18. People who talk on their cell phones in elevators, post office, at the cashier at one is interested in their private lives!!!! hate them. Its RUDE.
  19. Eating and leaving the mess for me to clean up then asking me to hurry up so we can do things.
  20. When my laptop battery indicator says 20 min and then it shuts down now.
  21. My husband inviting his friends on O U R date night.
  22. People that ask me to read their blog but don't read mine.
  23. re: the toilet paper; people who put the roll on, but put it on BACKWARDS, as in, the paper comes down the back by the wall where you have to claw to get at it, as opposed to over the top, like a waterfall.
  24. People that change my toilet paper to their liking when they visit MY APARTMENT.
  25. The kids leaving half their soda in the can and getting another.
  26. Friends that ask me to comment on their pix and don't comment me!
  27. Husbands who "do the dishes" by putting them in the sink, not in the dishwasher.
  28. Events scheduled on day!!!
  29. Kitty Litter "Pearls". They go all over the place, however they do absorb the odor and work well
  30. Co-workers who talk different languages in the office on the phone or to other co-workers so no one can understand them!!! Hey, we live in the USA!!!!
  31. My boyfriend leaving his clothes on the floor. It only takes a second to put them away.
  32. Not squeezing the toothpaste tube at the bottom.
  33. Leaving all the lights on when nobody is in the other rooms.
  34. When people can't remember the joke they are telling and mess it all up.
  35. Mexico plate drivers going like 50 in the fast lane.
  36. Driving my car all week and then not putting gas in, and then when I fill it, then someone wants to borrow the car again.
  37. Women putting on their make-up while driving.
  38. My wife changing the radio station when I am listening to it.

Help me add to the list! I'll post it here as I get them. Items in green were sent to me.

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