Foot Massage?

Do they have a name for this? Something similar to the "Farmer Tan?" Yes, those are my feet!
Day 6

I helped a my friend buy something for his girlfriend. It's her birthday in a couple of days and he didn't have a clue as to what to buy, so he asks me to help. The interesting part is that we had gone to dinner just recently and she gave him FOUR items to choose from. She didn't just come out and say it, but she did the woman thing and "hinted" what she wanted. I also noticed that she gave him different price ranges, too. :) Hmmm, maybe she invited me so that I could tell him...

Do you think that if it's not in someones nature, that they can change?


Mary Anne said...

Nice socks. lol

Sam said...

That's sooo messed up! I'm gonna laugh at one of your pictures.

deafknee said...

but they really do look like socks!
so what did you pick out in the end?
and ive never really known anyone to do this hinting thing before..