Ready to Retire?

RustOver the past week, about six people that I know have retired from my work. It feels a little weird because I remember when I first started there, and seeing them around the department. The "hey kid!" "you guys will be running this place," comments while I was in college, etc...

I spoke to one that isn't retiring and how she "came on-board" a year after I did. We talked about the career decisions we made, and how things would have been if I had stayed (an interesting alternative -Department Director?). She laughed because it seems they just can't get rid of me, and programs that I've written 10 years ago are still being used...But acknowledged that I have done well on the route that I did end up taking. However, I feel that I've not lived up to my full potential...

Tomorrow, we're having a retirement luncheon for one of my friends...I look forward to the roasting, always fun! :)

You happy with the career choices you've made?

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