Decisions Made

I was babbling about this a couple of weeks ago and am finally putting my fingers to work on it. Maybe rambling at 12:30am isn't the right time to make sense but at least I know one of my readers always sends me a note.

I believe that decisions shouldn't be made under any type of duress. Wow, amazing insight isn't it? Have you ever made a decision because you were angry, depressed, upset, or just not feeling right?

Some decisions are right for now, but not for the long run. Some decisions that appear wrong are right, in the long run. Sometimes no matter what decision you make - it's the wrong one.

So what do we have influencing us while we TRY to make these decisions? My friend looks at me funny when I say that we may think we can totally control our actions but our body spews out "bio-chemical intoxicants" (endorphins, norepinephrine, epinephrine, blah, blah) that wreck havoc just to make life difficult on us.

It's for this particular reason that I always try to resist the ever common "What were they thinking when they did that stupid thing, I'd NEVER do that." It happens all to often.

Then to top that off there are other variables influencing such as: pride, what we've previously said about the situation to friends, friends views, family views, trying to please everyone, religion, etc...

I try to focus on making decisions that are geared towards the long run or big picture. How 'bout you?

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