The meaning is what counts

On my "time waster," America's Army Game. We have some server rules that you have to abide by in order to play there. We try to keep it a fun place for 24 people to have fun killing each other.

One of the rules is: "No Foul or Disrespecting Language." So, what does the new person to the server do? He types "PH%^K U." We warn him and he does something similar and he gets kicked(5 min. timeout). He didn't type the actual word or phrase but everyone knows what it is. He comes back on the server and then "WTF." We kick him again but he manages a "GDMF" as his parting last word.

So, if people find a particular word offense, for example the 'C', 'N' or 'F' words. Didn't you say them and get the meaning? Is it different just because you used a single letter. Or is just the negative way in which they are used that is upsetting?

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