Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

In a entry on 3/3/07 I wrote about decisions. Sometimes it seems like what I talk about (topic wise) comes about shortly afterwards and I only had to wait for five days.

Maybe I knew what was going to happen and I was merely foreshadowing and I shouldn't gotten myself into this situation? I forgot to put in another "sometimes" in there. Sometimes a decision shouldn't be made at that MOMENT. But can we say, "I don't know how to answer that right now, can I think about it a little more?"

I don't think anyone wants to be compelled to make a decision and that's where pride comes in. After you've made the decision can you say, "damn, maybe that wasn't the 'right' decision." and do something about it or do you just get a drink to wash down the bitter pill?

Tacit decisions also come into play. It may not be that we are agreeing with that decision, just allowing it to be made by another.

"We know not what the future holds," applies directly here. This morning I wouldn't have guessed that this scenario would have played out today, or if it did, the way it did.

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