My knee healed

When you play racquetball you can and will get hurt if you play long enough. You can get hit with the ball, racquet, run into the wall, others, etc. I was the lucky one to get hit with the edge of the racquet. It hit me right at the edge of the patella and soft area.

That area was already partially numb from a baseball injury when I was a kid. The racquet left a nice one inch gash. Of course, this is why I don't like playing doubles, and someone asks, "Dude sorry. Are you ok?" Then the blood starts and doesn't want to stop. I put pressure on it and hoped it didn't need stiches.

I cleaned up the mess and sat on the bench outside the court. Then I get the 'nemesis' get there and call me a wuss for not playing a match with him. Sorry, you'll have to wait a couple of days to beat me.

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