It's not over 'till it's over!

It was freezing and on top of that the wind was blowing hard. The girls were huddled around the portable gas heater, and my daughter was inside her bat bag! It was pretty funny seeing the adults with their hoodies on and even I was cold.

We trailed the whole game practically, 3-0. Heather didn't make it on base the first two times at bat, and time was running out. We finally got close with the score 3-2, and being the home team we had three outs to get AT LEAST one run to tie the game. Hmmm, five minutes left. I think the other coach is going to walk everyone and then have the score revert back if we score anything.

With the 6-7-8-9 batters up, we got two runners on and one out. The ninth batter popped up and that made two outs. I remember a cheer the girls used to do: "Big Bad Heather, rip it up the middle!" Just do that! Again, 1-1 count and she gets a juicy pitch just where she wants it and it's a deep fly ball to center. 2 RBI Single to win the game! :) So, instead of a tie. They win 4-3.

This time the blue let us finish the game as home team because all that happened in five or so minutes :)

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