Daily Stuff

Heather called and asked if I could take her to practice today. It's been a week since we've had practice so it felt a little weird with "all" the time off :) We had a light lunch before practice, and played a little football beforehand.

Looks like we got lucky and get a 2:40 pm game so we aren't going up Friday, but Saturday instead and save some money. I got teased that everyone was going to crash my room if we had an early game on Sunday. I would be lucky to get the bathtub as a bed.

I got to play with an iPhone. It's pretty slick! Spent about an hour playing with everything. I just had to get used to the touch screen location since I was goobering up everything I typed. The browser was cool. Of course, I tested it by loading up my blog and it looked exactly the same. The minute/data plans are what will burn a hole in your pocket though. :)

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