The Quest for a Spoon

Heather Eating Breakfast I "procured" some breakfast for Heather down in the lobby area, but I forgot to get the spoon! A couple of attempts proved unsuccessful and the Heather gave it a try but they were on to us!

We would not be deterred and we walked next door to Jack in the Box to get THE SPOON. I saw somebody we knew going through the drive-thru and I ran up to the order box and said, "ONE BIG MAC, please!" and then ran away! :)

Here's Heather enjoying her fruit loops, the new breakfast of champions! I'm having french toast. :) Oh wait, [VIOLENT STRUGGLE, CHAIR TIPS OVER] Uh, Heather just took my french toast! LOL


tunia said...

So much for special food for the champions! lol! liked the struggling part best!

Arlene said...

You are so silly!