Almost Bonita Valley Sweep

Bonita Valley 2007 District Champions The motto for today was "One and Done." The three teams that made it to the championship game (10U,12U and 14U) at 11:00 a.m easily won their games and are planning their trip to the State Championships in Lancaster (HOT, HOT, HOT!). Last year we took two teams and they both took it all. This year we are taking three teams. I wish them all luck.

The 8U team finished 3rd losing a tough one to a nearby rival (2-4) They took it well despite how they lost (double play with runners on 1st and 3rd) ending their quest back to the championship game.

After I took all the photos and award shots, I was called (since I stayed until all the teams finished with their awards) and told that there was the traditional "winning district" party. I'm there! Heather rounded up her bathing suit and we were ready...

The kids did the pizza, swimming pool thing, tan, play, watch movies, bake cookies, etc..They had fun. The adults had circled around and laughed it up until sunset. We get two days to rest and then back to preparing for States.

Oh, for you married couples; we had this as a topic at the party: Who "wears the pants" in your relationship?


Arlene said...

I love the blue clock so much more, but that's just because it's my fav color :-)
We already know the girls kick ass, so I won't say it again ;-)

Anonymous said...

Probably hubby.

Anonymous said...

When I was married, it was me.

Anonymous said...

Of course -- I wear the pants in our family!!!! :)