Big Bear Weekend!

I'm heading to Big Bear! First time that we have had a tournament there and we have plenty planned besides softball: cruising the lake, some BBQ, and hanging out at the cabin!

Sometimes we can't tell which team will show up for the opponents. By this I mean whether it's a Gold team, Silver, or other. Some leagues in an attempt to spare the feelings of the kids that didn't make the "A" team (IMO), give their teams interesting names to disguise their true status.

An example is: The white team, blue team, and red team. Another league uses spirit and freedom; Lightning, Thunder and Storm; Diamond team, and Emerald team; Black or Blue Team. While others use "A", and "B." Our league used to name them the All-Star team, and the Tournament Team.

Everyone would ask, "Which is the GOLD team?" This year, we just decided to name the teams Gold All-Stars, Silver All-Stars, and Bronze All-Stars; plain and simple.

What do you think about this?


Arlene said...

I think that when there are no losers, kids aren't taught that they need to work to get where they want to be! If they want to be on the Gold team, then they need to practice and bust ass to get there. That doesn't mean they can't have fun, it just means they need to work hard during the game, and have fun before and after.

Anonymous said...

I hate having to guess which team you're playing...I like just the Gold, Silver, Bronze idea....plain and simple.