
The league website that I run gets a lot of traffic, and every now and then I make some mistakes in posting, scores, news, etc...But the funny thing is that nobody will say anything. When someone finally does, they always say, 'I thought somebody else would have told you.' Or that they didn't want to hurt my feelings. So it comes down to me looking like a dork, or hurting my feelings.

Somebody IM'd me that a photo link was bad. No hurt feelings as long as you don't say, "You moron, can't you get a simple link right?"

Do you tell your friends when they make a boo-boo or do you not want to come off as a "know-it-all?"


Arlene said...

I, personally, like to know when I screw up, in a nice way of course, so I try to extend that same courtesy. It does depend on how well I know the person though and what the mistake is...

Anonymous said...

Same here, I like to be told, in a nice way, and also will tell others only if absolutely necessary and hopefully in a civil way.

Anonymous said...

I told you about the photo on your blog in a nice way didn't I?

I won't really tell someone unless what they wrote doesn't make sense at all. But if I can figure it out then I let it go.