Third Grand Slam

I picked Heather up and she was starving for Pizza Hut. Ok, pizza it is, we went to the one on Sweetwater road and she read my copy of Sports Illustrated. There is a section where you can nominate someone that deserves to be mentioned in the High School section, we thought about entering Mariah's name. Well, remember that she had just hit two grand slams last week. Guess what she did in her second at-bat? Yup! GRAND SLAM #3. Over .600 batting average! I think she deserves a mention in SI!

I took the camera and had positioned myself behind the plate and to the right so I could get her swing. I held the button down and got the grand slam in a series. Heather asked me if she could shoot the rest of the card and I said sure. I taught her how to do spot focusing, and how to shoot through chain-link fences. She had a blast.

Oh, guess what rookie mistake I made regarding shooting the game?

  1. Forgot my camera?
  2. Forgot batteries?
  3. Forgot CF card?
  4. Forgot 2 & 3?

Heather and I had gotten there 30 minutes before game time, and so I had plenty of time to drive the 6 minutes back to get the memory card.

Got some krispy kreme for Heather and I got my chocolate sundae. :) Headed back to Discovery Park to see if they needed help setting up the fences for the championship games tomorrow...They didn't. :)

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