Waiting at a Red Light

What do you do when you're waiting at a red light? I ask because I like to look around, but this is what I have noticed:

  1. Make-up.
  2. Nose Picking - Looking for the elusive golden nugget.
  3. Reachers - They're stretched out trying to get something in the back seat.
  4. Cell Phone.
  5. Read Map, Paper.
  6. Talk.
  7. People watch.
  8. Curse the light because it's the longest damn light.
  9. Listen to music, sing.
  10. Watch red light runners.

So...Did I miss something that you do?


Arlene said...

I'm normally singing and dancing while I drive :-)

Connie T. said...

Watch the idiots fun the red light or wonder why they don't go when the light turns green. They are usually on their cell phone.

tunia said...

switch over radio stations to check for good music!!!